Beiträge von Temeraire

    Upcoming Version:
    * No longer lose performance after singleplayer savegame loads! Still needs more testing however.

    Current Version:
    * Unofficial Servers could crash if they had Dinos downloaded to them (at Obelisk) in some cases. Server Admins should update to get this fix.
    * XP glitch that resets your Survivor XP to your Mounts' XP is now fixed, however will require that servers are updated to 171.6 to get this. To avoid this until your server is updated, be sure to Earn some (any) XP on your Survivor after disembarking your mount.
    * Parasaur Founder's Saddle Skin now shows correct icon when applied to the Parasaur Saddle
    * Client connection timeout is now 30s rather than 20s
    * Slight performance improvement to calculation of particle LOD's
    * Fixed singleplayer characters erroneously starting with 1000 Weight limit
    * Ensured loading movie loops during direct joins

    * PIN codes now work properly on Doors, and also have been enabled on Small and Large Storage Boxes. (note your Tribe does not have to use the PIN codes, but this will prevent non-TribeMembers from accessing those functions. However, if the container is destroyed, it drops the contents anyway of course).

    * Server Admin Passwords are working again, both from "ServerPassword" key in the "ServerSettings" section of the INI, and via commandline. Sorry about that, server admins!!!!

    * Resolved error with sky rendererer that would cause some players to crash or ock at the end of the loading process when connecting into a game.

    * You can now upload Character & Dino Data from Tribute Terminals on Official Servers.
    However note these data can only be Downloaded onto Local or Unofficial Servers, for now.

    * Removed the "suicide" command. It was for testing only and is not a realistic thing. If you fall into a cavern and are gonna die of starvation, do what this guy does instead:

    YouTube™-Video: 127 HOURS - Full Length Official Trailer HD
    Aufrufe: 9,058,754
    The new full length HD trailer for 127 HOURS, directed by Danny Boyle (SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, 28 DAYS LATER) and starring James Franco. In theaters November 5th!

    * Fixed invisible ocean caverns

    * Improved loading feedback to not have any temporary black/screen / possible lock between loading the initial gamedata and connecting to server. Should now be seamless.

    * Fixed some remaining blackscreen/connection cases! (hopefully all of them)

    * Minor hotfix increases the number of structures allowed within a radius from 800 to 1400. May increase it further in subsequent builds as we scale perf up.

    Hallo Survivors,

    auf Grund der vielen Fragen die gestellt wurden und der Komplexität des Spiels, haben wir ein Wiki für Ark erstellt in der auch ihr Artikel verfassen könnt. Also Schreibt alles rein was ihr über Dinos, die Natur,Insekten, Gegenstände, usw. wisst und helft somit ein Lexikon über Ark zu erstellen.

    Hier der Link: Wiki

    Zum bearbeiten klickt ihr oben rechts auf Bearbeiten oder auf Eintrag erstellen.

    Wir freuen uns auf eure Beiträge, Anregungen, Wünsche und Kommentare.

    Viele Grüsse


    Also Standardfrage vorweg: Sind alle deine Treiber geupdatet?

    An deinem PC würde ich sagen liegt es nicht. Du hast genug ram, Grafikkarten speicher etc.
    Hast du schonmal vor dem Spiel den Tank Manager gestartwt und dann geschaut ob irgendeine Komponente zu ausgelastet ist während dem Spielen?


    Willkommen im Ark Forum ;)

    Komm doch auch in den nächsten Tagen auf unseren Teamspeak Server.


    Am besten geht ihr auf unseren Teamspeak Server. Zudem haben wir einen eigenen Ark Server den wir gerade nochmal neu starten müssen, da einige Leute schwierigkeiten haben ihn zu finden. Wenn er fertig ist verlinken wir ihn oben im Menü.

    Viele Grüsse,


    Zusammengefasst wurden einige Balance Änderungen vorgenommen und Gegenstände hinzugefügt. Die wichtigste Änderung dürfte jedoch sein, das die Anforderungen an den Arbeitsspeicher und die Grafikkarte verringert wurde. Also hoffen wir das es jetzt bei ein paar mehr Leuten funktioniert und stay save ;)

    * Changed how the game allocates all of its static media memory to be more efficiently packed at game startup (leading to a longer initial splash screen), likely eliminating the black screen bug! (we'll find out :)

    * Fixed a mesh crash bug with low-memory and SM4 rendering options

    Current Version:


    * Added missing "Spyglass" engram (like binoculars), which also enables you to craft the later glasswares. Moved the "Scope" Weapon Attachment to level 30, down from level 40.

    * Balance: Fist Damage reduced by 20%, Argentavis AI aggressiveness reduced by 25%, Tran Arrow Tranq-Power increased by 20%, Slingshot Torpidity Power Decreased by 10%

    * Reduced the rate at which food spoils in the inventory of an NPC creature, by 75%, to aid long-term creature maintenance

    * Implemented a "Low Memory (4 GB RAM)" and "Low Memory DX10" launch options that reduces graphics and audio effects to save about 800 MB RAM, likely enabling 4GB RAM players to get past infinite-loading screens.

    * Reimplemented stylish animated-movie loading screen, fixed up some graphics on the "Play Local" menu, exposed various gameplay options to the "Play Local" menu, so that you can more easily customize your own server or local play experience.

    * Added an option to hide the Server Name from your Pause Menu, so that streamers don't have to give away what server they're playing on.

    * Selfie orbit cam, [K] by default, now collides with structures geometry so that you can't use it to... spy... into other players' houses... creeper!

    * Added 3 "PvP-Hardcore-OfficialServers"... for the truly hardcore (you have to create a new survivor after each death :)

    * Added ?MapPlayerLocation command argument for player-hosted servers, when used will display the current player location on the 3D Map. (not very hardcore/realistic ;)

    * Populated small pickupable rocks across all of the ARK's beaches, not just in the southern coasts.

    * Increased # of server search from 50 to 100
    * Filter "password protected" servers on the Steam backend, rather than locally, to return more servers

    * Fixed a Localization crash
    * AZERTY French keyboards can now rebind keys properly
    * Initial DirectX10 Shader Model 4 support -- ubersky won't yet render :-P. Also reduces game memory footprint by ~400 MB

    * Player counts on the server browser are now correct and accurate
    * Getting "Winded" in water no longer prevents you from swimming upwards completely -- you now just swim upwards more slowly, and so are less likely to absolutely drown.
    * Pause Menu now lists the Server name
    * Server browser now has a list of "Survivor's Servers", upon whihc you have a survivor, Favorite Servers, and Friend's Servers
    * Fixed an issue where NPC's would not attack often at lower-FPS times on servers
    * Broadcast Server messages now force the chat to appear (typically used to notify of server maintance)
    * Bonus Item Skins (Stomped Glasses, Cowboy Hat, Noble Saddle) are permanent, locked to your character, and given again after respawn (dropping them simply removes them if you don't want them -- if you want to keep them, apply them to an item).
    * Fixed some graphical artifacts with the water, waterline, and underwater particles
    * Slingshot torpidity multiplier reduced slightly
    * Inventory Key can now be rebound
    * Arrow keys now turn rather than strafe, and can be rebound

    Previous Versions:
    v1.608 (Client): Fixed the singleplayer-side post-load performance problem. At least the BIG one :) ... 15-30 miliseconds per frame saved after singleplayer load on one of our test machines. Baby steps... baby steps... :)

    v1.607 (Client): Fixed two client and server crash cases

    v1.602: Blackscreen issue should be fixed! Added more official servers. Fixed a few potential chat crashes.
    Working on ShaderModel 4 support and singleplayer performance reloading....

    v1.601: Full servers will still appear in server-list now

    v1.60: Listing/Refreshing of servers fixed

    * Chatbox can no longer be opened in singleplayer games.

    * Rebuilt the game content with 2K textures rather than 4K for most. This may help prevent disk and memory thrashing that could have adversely affected performance on some machines.

    * Reverted loading screen to static image, might eliminate "black screen of death" when loading into singleplayer mode.

    * Made a backend change that may have fixed the backend server issues. We have to update ALL of the servers to fully fix it, but we are gradually rolling that out over this night.