arkstChannel="master" # change it to a different branch to get non-stable versions
# config SteamCMD
steamcmdroot="/home/steam/steamcmd" # path of your steamcmd instance
steamcmdexec="" # name of steamcmd executable
steamcmd_user="steam" # name of the system user who own steamcmd folder
steamcmd_appinfocache="/home/steam/Steam/appcache/appinfo.vdf" # cache of the appinfo command
#steamlogin="anonymous" # Uncomment this to specify steam login instead of using anonymous login
# config environment
arkserverexec="ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer" # name of ARK server executable
arkbackupdir="/home/steam/ARK-Backups-Ragnarok" # path to backup directory (da ich immer wieder wechsel, sollte man hier die Ordner dementsprechend Ändern oder..)
#arkbackupdir="/home/steam/ARK-Backups-Center" (einfügen und wenn man se nicht braucht, einfach # Deaktivieren), wenn man mehrere Instanzen fährt kann man diese dann aktivieren und er speichert es dahin wo es soll ( kann man in der cron mit eingeben, dazu später mehr)
arkwarnminutes="60" # number of minutes to warn players when using update --warn
arkautorestartfile="ShooterGame/Saved/.autorestart" # path to autorestart file
arkAutoUpdateOnStart="true" # set this to true if you want to always update before startup
arkBackupPreUpdate="true" # set this to true if you want to perform a backup before updating
arkStagingDir="/home/steam/ARK-Staging" # Uncomment to enable updates to be fully downloaded before restarting the server (reduces downtime while updating)
# Options to automatically remove old backups to keep backup size in check
# Each compressed backup is generally about 1-2MB in size.
arkMaxBackupSizeMB="500" # Set to automatically remove old backups when size exceeds this limit
#arkMaxBackupSizeGB="2" # Uncomment this and comment the above to specify the limit in whole GB
# Update warning messages
# Modify as desired, putting the %d replacement operator where the number belongs
msgWarnUpdateMinutes="This ARK server will shutdown for an update in %d minutes"
msgWarnUpdateSeconds="This ARK server will shutdown for an update in %d seconds"
msgWarnRestartMinutes="This ARK server will shutdown for a restart in %d minutes"
msgWarnRestartSeconds="This ARK server will shutdown for a restart in %d seconds"
msgWarnShutdownMinutes="This ARK server will shutdown in %d minutes"
msgWarnShutdownSeconds="This ARK server will shutdown in %d seconds"
# ARK server common options - use ark_<optionname>=<value>
# comment out these values if you want to define them
# inside your GameUserSettings.ini file
#ark_GameUserSettingsfile="/home/steam/arkdedicated/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer" (Kann man machen, muss man aber nicht, bei mehreren Instanzen aktivieren)
#ark_Gameinifile="/home/steam/arkdedicated/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer" (Kann man machen, muss man aber nicht, bei mehreren Instanzen aktivieren)
#serverMapModId="469987622" # Uncomment this to specify the Map Mod Id (<fileid> in ?id=<fileid>)
ark_ServerPassword="" # ARK server password, empty: no password required to login
ark_ServerAdminPassword="Da sollte dein Passwort rein, ich verwenden den Puttykeygen!" # Enable RCON Protocol
#ark_GameModIds="" # Uncomment to specify additional mods by Mod Id separated by commas
#ark_AltSaveDirectoryName="SotF" # Uncomment to specify a different save directory name
#ark_holidayevent=false (das habe ich schon weiter oben erklärt )
# ARK server flags - use arkflag_<optionname>=true
#arkflag_OnlyAdminRejoinAsSpectator=true # Uncomment to only allow admins to rejoin as spectator
#arkflag_DisableDeathSpectator=true # Uncomment to disable players from becoming spectators when they die
# ARK server options - i.e. for -optname=val, use arkopt_optname=val
# config Service
logdir="/var/log/arktools" # Logs path (default /var/log/arktools)
# steamdb specific
appid=376030 # Linux server App ID
mod_appid=346110 # App ID for mods
# Mod OS Selection
# Add mod-specific OS selection below:
# alternate configs
# example for config name "ark1":
defaultinstance="main" (das sind die verschiedenen Instanz Namen, die main ist die Default, alle anderen können dann auch noch Aktiviert werden, dann # Entfernen und die Main # deaktivieren, ich würde die main nicht Löschen, damit vernichtet man seine Vorlage! )